
General Information

Sunday July 10th to Saturday July 16th, 2022.

The 2022 Edition of the Symmetries in Graphs, Maps, and Polytopes Workshop will be held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. There will be nine plenary talks, a problem session, and a number of shorter contributed talks. Time will be set aside in the schedule to encourage and accommodate collaboration for both ongoing research or for starting new projects.

SIGMAP is brought to you by the University of Alaska Fairbanks in cooperation with AWM and with the support of the National Science Foundation Grant DMS-2203776.

Schedule Up

Full list of abstracts and schedule for the workshop are now posted.


Our full registration system is available! You can use it to register for the workshop, book rooms at the conference hotel or on campus, and book a spot on the conference excursion. Registration for on-campus lodging closes June 22. If you run into difficulty with our registration system, please contact us for assistance or to make alternative payment arrangements. If you plan on staying at the hotel and make your reservation after May 20, you’ll need to email them directly for a reservation. Registration for the workshop and the excursion is now closed. If you still need to make arrangements, we may be able to help you.

Submit a Talk

While we do reserve a significant of time at SIGMAP to allow for and encourage collaborations, we do have space for a limited number of contributed talks. The submission form for presentation proposals is now available.

  • Talks submitted by April 21 received priority for consideration for including in SIGMAP. We are still accepting submissions on a space availability basis after review by the scientific committee. Submissions received after June 8 will not be considered.
  • Our current plan is to have talks last approximately 25 minutes with 5 minute Q&A sessions between them, though the amount of time available for each speaker may depend on the number of submissions we receive, and may be slightly shorter.

Travel Funding

Thanks to a generous grant from the National Science Foundation, we are able to provide travel support for the participation and involvement of a small number of students and faculty from US institutions and US Citizens who study/work abroad. (We were approved for domestic support only.) Priority for this funding will go to early career mathematicians, graduate students, people who are underrepresented in US mathematics research, and people from primarily undergraduate institutions, though all domestic participants needing assistance are encouraged to apply. Awards will support travel, lodging, limited per diem and registration cost for the workshop up to $2472. The conference is committed to supporting and increasing the diversity of perspectives of mathematicians who study graphs, maps and polytopes. We are still accepting applications but do not expect to be able to make any additional awards.

If you are interested in applying for funding, please submit an application using this form. If you have problems using the form, please contact the organizers.


SIGMAP 2022 is supported, in part, by a grant from the National Science Foundation Grant DMS-2203776. We thank them for their support.

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