
AWM Statement of Welcoming Environment 

It is the policy of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) that all participants in AWM activities will enjoy a welcoming environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. As a professional organization, the AWM is committed to fostering an atmosphere that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. In pursuit of that ideal, the AWM is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and treatment for all AWM members and participants in AWM-sponsored events, regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of AWM activities.

Code of Conduct

All conference attendees are expected to show responsible and respectful conduct and courtesy to other attendees throughout the conference. Conference attendees will be asked to leave if they engage in physical or verbal abuse or assault, intimidation, coercion, threats, gender, racial, or sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or behavior that endangers the health and safety of themself or others.

SIGMAP expects a conference experience that includes everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion, and harassment of conference participants in any form is not tolerated. The conference is committed to the free exchange of mathematical ideas, and attendees who are found to have harassed other attendees will be subject to disciplinary action, which may range from a verbal warning to ejection from the conference without refund of registration fees. 

If a SIGMAP conference attendee or adjacent person experiences or witnesses harassment or misconduct and wishes to file a formal report, they should contact Organizing Committee Member Leah Berman at or 907-347-4021 or contact our Department of Equity and Compliance at or 907-474-7300. All complaints will be treated confidentially and responded to promptly.